Friday, January 4, 2013

My Visit to Chinatown

Hello, my Chirashizushi!

How is everyone today? I decided to post about my trip to Chinatown a couple of months ago. It was a fantastic *baby* experience, and I wanted to share it with all of you~

I went to Chinatown the same weekend as the BIGBANG concert. We were close to it, and all of us really wanted to go, so we did! Among our group was my mom, my step-dad Jim, my best friend's big sister Maddie, Maddie's friend Eva, and myself (we took Maddie and Eva because they were going to the concert the same day and didn't have a ride). I had only had a few, albeit interesting, conversations with Maddie before, and I had never met Eva before, but we became really close on the extremely loooong car ride to NJ.

We actually were able to find decent parking for a Saturday in a huge city, so we were pretty happy ^.^ We got out of the car and started walking around. At this point, it was still light outside, so we had lots of time to explore the shops! Eva, who is taking a Buddhism class in college, found a Buddhist shop immediately, so we stopped there first. It was really interesting to see the pretty statues and fountains, and Eva told me about all of the different Buddhas! I had fun, and Momma got us little statues of the Happy Buddha. (I carried it around with me for a week after that xD)

We also found this cool dollar store there. Momma was happy, cause she loves American dollar stores, and now we had found one with a bunch of cool Asian stuff!! I really wanted to buy one of the cool parasols, but Momma told me to wait until we visited a few other stores before I made my final decision on what to buy. So we continued on.

By this time, it was sunset. Yes, we spent hours in just those stores. In our defense, there were a bunch of cool street vendors there, so it was really hard to go anywhere. Anyways, we went to a few other places as the sky started turning darker. I think the thing I loved most about Chinatown was the look of it. It was so pretty, especially in the sunset. The fiery orange of the sky accented the colors of the city well. It was sooo beautiful~

We ended up going to a Vietnamese restaurant, I think... It might have been Taiwanese. Idk. But the food was really good, and all of us were stealing each other's food just like a family x) And Maddie made me pour everyone's tea because I was the maknae. Leave it to her to find a Korean reference in anything... Then again, I squealed in delight when I saw the words "4 Minutes" on a phone booth (I was like "OMG, 4Minute!"), so I can't judge xD

What made my day was when I saw boxes of Palty hair dye in the window of a shop!! I screamed "Tsubasa!!!" and ran inside, pulling everyone behind me. When we got inside, the first floor had a bunch of cool food, and  when we went upstairs, they had every Asian beauty product you could imagine. There was a whole WALL of Palty hair dye. I just about died!! There was the original kind (all colors), the bubble kind, the American kind, all of them. Omg, I was so happy! And to top it off, I found all of the Dolly Wink eye products!! I really wanted a pair of fake eyelashes, but Momma said I'm too young to have it... Just wait, it'll happen. Maddie and Eva spent their time testing BB cream and nail polish, haha. We went downstairs and got a bunch of Japanese candy. Eva bought me Hello Kitty Pocky~ And my parents got me Sakuma Drops! I told them, "you have to get me these! I saw them in 'Grave of the Fireflies,' the saddest, most beautiful anime movie EVER!" So yeah. That was my favorite store. Don't remember the name though >.<

There was this one produce stand that all of us were fascinated by. Maddie, Eva, and I were looking at these HUUUUUGE apples, taking pictures and saying, "GD would have loved this back in his 'Heartbreaker' days!" My momma and Jim were looking at the dragon-fruit, and even bought one to bring home with us!

By the time we finished shopping (and has only gone, like, one or two blocks), it was completely black outside. The lights of the city looked beautiful in the night, even if you couldn't see the stars. The lights of Chinatown became the stars~

I hope you enjoyed my post! Sorry if it bored you, but I had a good time ^.^ Have a great day! Remember that every day is a beautiful one!

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